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for Paul 1 It is the end of intention: the world no longer hears you. Your fugitive life, your infuriating death, no mercy, no quarter, no rescue. You were here, now you're not. The rest is so much gibberish: tedious, as you would have it. You were trying to teach me something: now you're not. 2 There were things that gave you pleasure, though you tried to disregard them. Ferocity was your compass. 3 And yet the things you spoke of-- who had dance and who did not-- revealed you as the thwarted lover, Vishnu downing poison meant for others. 4 I watched you more than once, tilting and weaving, you gave yourself to gravity, not thinking, skis carving, nothing to know, no place but here, snow gleaming, you went down the mountain. 5 Travel light then, my unfinished friend: take only what you need from what you saw here. If you can't take something true, take whatever was the least false.

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